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徐安明,20207月于中国科学院微生物研究所获得理学博士学位。主要从事细菌生物被膜工程化应用相关的研究。基于对细菌生物被膜的形成与瓦解机制的认识,构建智能化生物被膜底盘细胞,应用于工业发酵、生物催化、生物活体功能材料等领域。相关成果发表在ISME J, Environ Microbiol, iScience, ACS Synth Biol, Appl Environ Microb, Trends in Microbiol等杂志。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、国家重点研发计划子课题,博士后基金等项目。




2020.07-2022.09,万博体育bet ,生物与制药工程学院,博士后

2022.11-至今,万博体育bet ,生物与制药工程学院,副教授


1.Xu AM,Wang D, Wang YH, Zhang L, Xie ZS, Cui YF, Bhamse P, Yu HY, Zhang XX, Li DF, Ma LY*.(2022) Mutations in surface-sensing receptor WspA lock the Wsp signal transduction system into a constitutively active state.Environmental Microbiology24:1150-1165.

2.Xu AM*,Daniel J. Wozniak*, Zhou J, Jiang Min, Dong WL*. (2022) Toward a unified nomenclature for strains with hyper-biofilm phonotypes.Trends in Microbiology30(11):1019-1021.

3.Xu AM,Zhang XX, Cao SX, Zhou XL, Yu ZY, Qian XJ, Zhou J*, Dong WL*, Jiang M*.(2022) Transcription-associated fluorescence-activated droplet sorting for di-rhamnolipid hyperproducers.ACS Synthetic Biology11:1992-2000.

4.Xu AM#,Liu JW#, Cao SX, Xu B, Guo CZ, Yu ZY, Chen XQ, Zhou J*, Jiang M, Dong WL*. (2022) Application of a novel fluorogenic polyurethane analogue probe in polyester-degrading microorganisms screening by microfluidic droplet.Microbial Biotechnology16, 474-480.

5. Liu SX#,Xu AM#,Xie B, Xin FX, Dong WL, Zhou J*, Jiang M. (2022) Priority changes between the synthesis of biofilm exopolysaccharides and rhamnolipids are mediated by a cyclic di-GMP-specific phosphodiesterase NbdA inPseudomonas aeruginosa.iScience,25(12): 105531.

6.Xu AM,Zhang MK, Du WL, Wang D, Ma LY*.(2021) A molecular mechanism for how sigma factor AlgT and transcriptional regulator AmrZ inhibit twitching motility inPseudomonas aeruginosa.Environmental Microbiology23:572-587.

7.Xu AM,Zhang XX, Wang T, Xin FX, Ma LZ, Zhou J*, Dong WL*, Jiang M.(2021) Rugose small colony variant and its hyper-biofilm inPseudomonas aeruginosa: Adaption, evolution, and biotechnological potential.Biotechnology Advances53:107862.

9. Wei Q, Leclercq S, Bhasme P,Xu AM, Zhu B, Zhang YH, Zhang MK, Wang SW, Ma LY*. (2019). Diguanylate cyclases and phosphodiesterases required for basal-Level c-di-GMP inPseudomonas aeruginosaas revealed by systematic phylogenetic and transcriptomic analyses.Applied and Environmental Microbiology85:e01194-19.

10. Wang D,Xu AM,Elmerich C, Ma LY*.(2017) Biofilm formation enables free-living nitrogen-fixing rhizobacteria to fix nitrogen under aerobic conditions.ISME Journal11:1602-1613.
