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International Students of Our University Won the Silver Award in the 2019 "Dajin Cup" Chinese Dragon and Lion Competition

On March 7, the 2019 "Dajin Cup" Chinese Dragon and Lion Competition, sponsored by the Guidance Center of Social Sports of the General Administration of Sport and the Chinese Dragon and Lion Dance Sports Association, was held in Yangzhong, Jiangsu Province. The competing teams included the dragon and lion teams of college students from domestic universities, international student teams, and foreign dragon and lion teams from Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and other countries. With the organization of the Sports Department of our university, six international students from the College of Overseas Education participated in the competition as the key members of the dragon and lion team.

In the competition, the international students used “Chinese Year” as the key subject of their performance. They brandished the dragons and lions, showing a full festival atmosphere, and won unanimous praise from the audience and other teams. The international students ran, passed through and jumped. Their movements are natural and smooth, making the dragons and lions dance happily and vividly. When the set of movements of 5 minutes and 20 seconds was completed smoothly, a high score of 8.75 was marked by the referee team, and eventually, the students won the silver medal and gained honor for the university.

The College of Overseas Education has attached great importance to strengthening the experience and practice of the Chinese culture of international students all along. With the strong support of the Sports Department, the college has set up dragon and lion teams and Taijiquan teams of international students who are trained together with Chinese students. To prepare this competition, the dragon and lion team of international students trained hard under the leadership of the teachers Wang Mingjun and Li Jiajing in the Sports Department in their spare time, and established a deep friendship with their Chinese teammates. By studying traditional sports such as dragon and lion game, Taiji Changquan, etc., international students have deepened their understanding of Chinese traditional culture, cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries have been enhanced, and their enthusiasm and learning effect of Chinese culture are improved as well.
