
阅读次数:添加时间:2015/04/20 发布:


时间:2015421日下午200 - 400



陈蓉,美国加州大学戴维斯分校商学院副教授,19951998年分别在同济大学和复旦大学获得学士和硕士学位,20022003年获得美国康奈尔大学硕士和博士学位。主要研究方向运作与供应链管理,服务运作动态定价。陈教授是运作管理与供应链管理领域知名学者,多个国际顶级期刊的审稿专家。目前担任Production and Operations ManagementDecision Sciences的资深编辑及担任IIE TransactionsDecision Science等期刊的副主编。在国际顶级期刊如Management ScienceMarketing ScienceProduction and Operations ManagementOperation Research LetterManufacturing & Service Operations Management发表十篇高影响力的论文。


Opaque selling has been widely adopted by service providers in the travel industry to sell offleftover capacity under stochastic demand. We consider a two stage model to study the impact ofdifferent selling mechanisms, Posted Price (PP) vs. Name-Your-Own-Price (NYOP), of an opaquereseller on competing service providers who face forward-looking customers. We find that in thisenvironment, providers prefer that the opaque reseller uses a posted price instead of a bidding model.This is because the ability to set retail prices is critical for extracting surplus from customers whowait to purchase from the reseller. Such surplus extraction enables providers to set high pricesfor advance sales and obtain high profits. The dominance of PP over NYOP disappears, however,when competition between sellers is minimal or absent. We extend our model to multiple opaqueresellers who compete in selling off last-minute capacity for service providers, and find that ourmain insights continue to hold with differentiated resellers. Despite providers’ preference in favorof PP, there are circumstances under which the opaque reseller earns higher profits under NYOP.Leisure customers might also prefer the bidding mechanism, which allows them to retain somesurplus. This can help explain the rapid growth of the NYOP model over the last decade. Ourfindings are consistent with the evolution of opaque selling in the travel industry, and in particular,the recent trend towards more published price sales for opaque products.


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