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春暖花开时,我们再相见 ——给外国留学生的第二封信


Dear international students:


This is the second letter for you from the College of Overseas Education. We are much appreciated for your support and cooperation! The current epidemic situation here in China remains severe and complicated. Now we would like to inform you of some important matters and ask all international students to abide by them:


1.Do not return back to the university earlier than you are required.According to the latest requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the school semester will continue to be postponed. Please do not return to school for this moment. The opening time will be informed in advance. Once again, we emphasize that all international students are NOT allowed to return to the campus without the approval of the university.


If you are not in China,you are advised not to buy return tickets for now.


If you are in China, but not in Nanjing, please do not return to school until receiving the official notice.Meanwhile please obey the local government's arrangement for epidemic prevention and control, and keep in touch with the school at any time.


If you are in Nanjing and live off campus, please take the initiative to report to the community, cooperate with the community's epidemic prevention and control management, and keep in touch with the school at any time.


If you currently live in the school dormitory, please abide by the rules and regulations of accommodation.The campus of the university will continue to be under closed management, and international students on campus are not allowed to leave the campus without permission.The apartments for international students are also under closed management, in and out of which your real name shall be verified and your body temperature shall be taken.


International students’ performance during the epidemic prevention and control period will be included in the annual comprehensive assessment.


2.Keep doingwell insafetyprotection.Although now the spread of the epidemic is under effective control in China, but it does not mean that our guard can be lowered. Keep making yourselves alert in protection awareness. No visiting.No gathering. No going out whenever possible or wear a mask if really necessary.


3.Be serious about online learning.In accordance with the requirements of "non-stop teaching and non-stop learning" by the Ministry of Education, our university has been organizing online education activities for a few weeks. Please follow the online teaching schedule to study, do the assignments and participate seriously in the learning process, justas what you do in the school.


4.Strengthen contact and communication.Keep in touch withyour guidance tutor and contact us as soon as possible when you feel unwell or have any problem. During the epidemic prevention and control period, the scholarship will be normally awarded. Meanwhile, we will continue to cooperate with relevant departments to ensure the normal life of students on campus.


Dear students, let’s work together and look forward to getting together again in the campus when the colorful spring is coming!

万博体育bet 海外教育学院

College of Overseas Education


February29, 2020

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